Hassan Tower (Tour Hassan)
North Western Morocco

Hassan Tower (Tour Hassan)

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Written by the wayfaress

Le Tour Hassan (or Hassan Towers), a 44 m (144 foot) tower constructed in the late 12th century under the tenure of Almohad king Yacoub el Mansour, is Rabat's most well-known monument. When el Mansour passed away in 1199, work on the tower's further expansion was put on hold. Le Tour Hassan and the nearby tomb grounds are a lovely location for pictures and afternoon strolls since they are surrounded by vegetation and tiled fountains. The tomb, which resembles a little palace, is where Mohammed V and Hassan II, the two Moroccan rulers, are buried.

Le Tour Hassan (or Hassan Towers), a 44 m (144 foot) tower constructed in the late 12th century under the tenure of Almohad king Yacoub el Mansour, is Rabat's most well-known monument. When el Mansour passed away in 1199, work on the tower's further expansion was put on hold. Le Tour Hassan and the nearby tomb grounds are a lovely location for pictures and afternoon strolls since they are surrounded by vegetation and tiled fountains. The tomb, which resembles a little palace, is where Mohammed V and Hassan II, the two Moroccan rulers, are buried.